Some call me "Flem"

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I'm an elementary school teacher turned high school English teacher, School-Based Teacher Leader (SBTL), and adjunct professor here in Philly. These posts are the views, as I see them, from room 105, my first classroom number. Enjoy, engage, and share!

Friday, January 8, 2016


I am in my second year as a third grade teacher, having been reassigned to the primary grades from quite a few years as a teacher of middle school students (primarily 6th Grade ELA). It's been quite the adjustment and quite the journey. I honestly believe I'm becoming a better teacher because of it. This, because I want to be! Based on my observations and the feedback that I get from current and former parents of my third graders, the kids are learning quite a bit.

With each passing year and with each group, the classes are different, even when I taught the upper grades!

This year...
"Mr. Flemming, can I be the teacher tomorrow?"
I have been asked this question more than once this school year and by more than one of my third graders. I finally figured out some way to begin working in the "student as teacher" idea on a small scale.

Read Alouds.

Teachers do it all the time. It's pedagogilese for "reading a story" to the class. "Fore-word" it with "interactive", Interactive Read Aloud, and you have pedagogilese for:

  • asking questions along the way
  • having conversations throughout the reading of the book
  • having intentional stopping points.....etc etc.

Today was day one of our classroom read aloud series, hashtag #207ReadsAloud. It is completely voluntary. There are no grades. No extra credit. No zeros. No pressure. No hype.....well, maybe a little hype!

Young Mr. ABCDEFG (obvious pseudonym) went first and it was great. He wanted the kids on the carpet. Check! He took his place in the chair. Check! He read the book while holding it open for the class to see the pictures. Triple check!!

It all began continued (since they were the ones who started it by asking to be the teacher) yesterday with my asking for volunteers to read to the class. They each picked a date in January. I put their name in my Google calendar. They will pick a book that can be read in one sitting and they'll take the reigns of reading and go for it! Each day at 9am, #207ReadsAloud!

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