Some call me "Flem"

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I'm an elementary school teacher turned high school English teacher, School-Based Teacher Leader (SBTL), and adjunct professor here in Philly. These posts are the views, as I see them, from room 105, my first classroom number. Enjoy, engage, and share!

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

One of Philly's problems...

Many vilify teachers and the unions that represent us and would swear on stack of Bibles that if we get rid of the unions that public education would improve. I don't have time to point out all of the errors with this school of thought.

One issue I do want to point out is leadership, at the building level and at the district level. Unfortunately the sun rises and sets on leadership. The climate and school culture they create makes all the difference in the world, union or no union.

I don't have time to pat my own self on the back, but as a former director for the YMCA, I STILL have former employees calling me and asking me for a reference and I haven't been a Youth Program Director there since 2007! Kids-turned-adults are STILL talking positively about the programs and times they had as kids dating back to 2001. That says something!!

I'm just convinced that some people don't have the sense God gave a Billy Goat!!!

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