Some call me "Flem"

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I'm an elementary school teacher turned high school English teacher, School-Based Teacher Leader (SBTL), and adjunct professor here in Philly. These posts are the views, as I see them, from room 105, my first classroom number. Enjoy, engage, and share!

Monday, May 18, 2015

They Quit!!

Over the course of the past few years, I've seen several people QUIT, with very little or no notice than to stick around and deal with all of this. I'm not speaking on the #phled macro-level (although based on what I hear that happens too), but on the micro, local neighborhood school level! I can't say I blame them one bit!!! It isn't the children, the community, the parents, nor is it the faculty that drives them to leave their job and not look back. A lot can be said of another position in the building, however.


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