Some call me "Flem"

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I'm an elementary school teacher turned high school English teacher, School-Based Teacher Leader (SBTL), and adjunct professor here in Philly. These posts are the views, as I see them, from room 105, my first classroom number. Enjoy, engage, and share!

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Unmitigated Frustration: A Student's Thoughts on 'Quaranteaching'

Read one student's thoughts about schools trying to teach right now. Some on social media have dubbed it 'quaranteaching'. I like the term. This student doesn't use the term, but the concept is there. I implore you to read past grammatical and spelling errors and hear the explosions of pent-up, in-the-moment frustration. These are not the opinions of all students, but represent a portion of wide-ranging thoughts I've read or heard so far during this corona era.

why does school insist on teaching us during a global pandemic? Sometimes I be thinkin the world don't know how to do anything correctly. school is like, teaching us a whole lot about everything, but what did is really teach us to be prepared for something like this virus? Couldnt be much since the US has the highest morality rate, with the east coast being the biggest contributor to this. People getting bodied, constant. People still going outside, wildin. They should know this virus is in fact deadly and has a faster spread rate than the flu, Atleast with the flue you could get a vaccine and even if u do potentially get sick, you can recover. not saying u cant recover from corona, but the fatalities have been piling up, never ending. And school isnt really helping everyones case, most of my other friends have been swamped with work and I legit havent opened this laptop since it got here out of pure fear of the work our teachers could possibly have piled up for us. I really hope none of this is void, we can get a diploma, but that doesnt really matter when we can't handle every day to day life or sickness, maybe this is just me, me having the suspicion that school is just a memorizing game, that is ultimately pointless, but a piece of paper decides your place in society as it stands, many years of your life working up to that piece of paper"

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