I saw in my mind's eye this little, light-skin kid in my sixth grade class. This very social kid in a class that was a very close-knit class. I immediately went to my box of autographs. I went through each card until I came to his card. What am I talking about, you ask? Each year, in the beginning of the year, I distribute index cards and ask my students to put the date, their printed name, and what it is they want to be when they grow up. They must also sign their me their autographs. When they get older and famous, they will NOT deny knowing me! lol
One year it hit me that I wasn't telling them to address it to me. So, again, in my vanity, I had them address it "To Mr. Flemming." Even if they don't get famous, I encourage them to go places, do things, go to school, make something of themselves, come back and see me for their card!! See what they put when they were in sixth grade (and subsequently, 5th and 3rd and even summer school classes).
Saleem has a card. On September 8, 2010 he wrote that he wants........wanted to be a famous NBA player. That was until he was gunned down on Sunday, November 1, 2015.
I'm always sadden when I hear of the young dying early. But then it just continues.
This one hit way closer to home! A child I had in my very own class, Saleem West. 17 shots fired and the one bullet that hit him, was the one that would end his life.
To mom, Ms. West (who was also a colleague when Saleem was in my class), my thoughts and prayers are with you mom!! I'm so sorry that you had to join the club of parents and caregivers who lost their children, their sons, to gun violence!
His card now hangs on my classroom door, as a tribute to the life of my former student, as a perpetual reminder of the potential that was cut off, as a reminder that life is precious, as an encouragement to keep pushing to BE the change I want to see in the world and to push my current third graders to do the same!
This violence...
When will it end?? Huh?? WHEN???????? ANSWER ME THAT ONE QUESTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My heart...

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