Some call me "Flem"

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I'm an elementary school teacher turned high school English teacher, School-Based Teacher Leader (SBTL), and adjunct professor here in Philly. These posts are the views, as I see them, from room 105, my first classroom number. Enjoy, engage, and share!

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Gradual Release Block? Huh?

I need someone to help me out. Real talk. Where did the term that I heard recently come from? Where did this latest fad come from? Or is it a fad? Maybe it's just a local thing. This "Gradual Release Block", as in a math block, ELA block, etc. I REALLY need to know who took the "gradual release of responsibility" approach (which teachers have been doing and now a 'name' for it....ok, sure) and now made it a "period" or "block"???

What next? "Graphic Organizer" periods? How about "Manipulatives" blocks? 5th period maybe? Maybe 3rd period is better, just before the "Read Aloud" block begins!!

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