Some call me "Flem"

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I'm an elementary school teacher turned high school English teacher, School-Based Teacher Leader (SBTL), and adjunct professor here in Philly. These posts are the views, as I see them, from room 105, my first classroom number. Enjoy, engage, and share!

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Because I am a teacher...

I have several confessions to make; things that I must admit.

I must admit, I've never been to medical school and am therefore not equipped to advise physicians on practicing medicine. Other doctors and boards and panels made up of doctors are in the best position to advise other doctors on the practice of medicine.

I confess, I've never been to law school. While I can read up on the law and watch shows on television, I am not in a position to advise those who are preparing to take the BAR exam. Only those who have taken the BAR and practice law can best advise those preparing for such an important exam.

I love the sound of classical music. Musicians seem to become one with their instruments and working in harmony with other musicians in orchestras, the sounds they produce are relaxing! As much as I love the sound of classical music, I do not know how to play a single instrument. I am not the one to call upon to conduct an orchestra. I admit it.

So, I admit that I am not equipped to provide advice to many professions. I admire and respect the work they do and the dialogue they engage in about their craft. Why don't many politicians and policy makers and backers get that?

Me, I am a teacher. I am an elementary school teacher, certified to teach students in kindergarten through 6th grade and because of my love and skill for teaching English/Language arts am certified to teach English to students in grade 7-12. I am in a position to participate in pedagogical discussions and advice because I am a teacher. I can offer suggestions for how to improve classroom practice, because I am a teacher.

I arrive early, stay late, tutor, plan, read, comfort, feed, clothe, supply, listen, write, blog, tweet, call, email, grade, cry, provide a shoulder, provide an ear, provide a hand, provide stability, care, and fight, because I am a teacher!!

Here's the thing, there are thousands just like me; many are teachers and many work in other areas of the school! So, why is it that many who don't know the first thing about teaching, seem to have the biggest mouths for how to improve it? I admit, that's pretty ludicrous!

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