Some call me "Flem"

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I'm an elementary school teacher turned high school English teacher, School-Based Teacher Leader (SBTL), and adjunct professor here in Philly. These posts are the views, as I see them, from room 105, my first classroom number. Enjoy, engage, and share!

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

It Never Gets Old

Catching up with former students never gets old!!

Tonight I saw one of mine from five years ago! When she saw me she grabbed me and hugged me tight, almost to tears! We chatted for a few seconds and I expressed how I will always support her and all my other former students!!

An hour later, re-ran into another one, who I saw Friday night as well! Glad I did, because I couldn't remember his major in COLLEGE!!! Yes sir, COLLEGE!!!

Major: Social Work
College: a major university in PA

Despite the edu-political obstacles,  THIS never gets old!! It keeps me going!! It let's me know that doing what's right over doing what's convenient for the sake of some administrator is the best way to go!!

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