Some call me "Flem"

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I'm an elementary school teacher turned high school English teacher, School-Based Teacher Leader (SBTL), and adjunct professor here in Philly. These posts are the views, as I see them, from room 105, my first classroom number. Enjoy, engage, and share!

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

A Fresh Start in Room 305

I love it when something or some things just click in the classroom, wherever that classroom may be.

I began this school year teaching my dual-enrollment communications class in a computer lab. With help from a colleague, we took desks from an unused classroom and moved them to the lab for what I thought would be a perfect set-up for a mix of whole-class, independent learning, and voluntary cooperative learning group experiences. This particular lab is spacious, well-lit, and with some exceptions, generally unused. 

One angle of our previous space
From the rip, the students all but communicated that this wasn't it. It was cold. It was big (later translated non-intimate). Some of them lost focus early. I didn't connect it with the physical space until we moved to a different classroom.

Short story. Another colleague had to relocate suddenly for a week. I told him to take my space. Comm101, my class, relocated to a more traditional classroom space that week. We've been there ever since.

The space is smaller and more intimate. There's a window for natural light and fresh air.  I could go on and on about windows in the classroom, but I won't. That day felt like a fresh start and a chance for us to control-alt-delete. We had been in that room once or twice before, but this time felt different. I legit gave my little rah-rah mini-speech about expectations for academics and behavior as if it were the first day of school. My subconscious may have known this would be our space going forward. Towards the end of the week I put it to a vote. The consensus was to stay.

Today, a different student again asked me about this year's episodes for the podcast. In order to elicit a response that would likely reflect his thinking I replied, "But the energy wasn't there the last time. So..." His reply, "We're in a different room. The vibe is different." Say less. We finna run that jawn back!

More than the room, I think our relationship, the one between a teacher and his students, that ever-so-important teacher-student rapport and connection is also at play here. I don't want to make this a longer post, but...yeah. Relationships matter.

Wednesday, October 6, 2021

"Slap a Teacher" and a Gallimaufry of other Teacher Thoughts and Musings

10 thoughts.

In no particular order other than that's how they came to me.

1. Some of you know that last school year, during 100% remote teaching and learning, my class and I started a podcast.  Last year, a core group of students maintained a stable enthusiasm for our poddizy. This year, I think I am more excited about it than are my current students, so I thought to dial it back a bit and return to it in a few weeks or months. Then this...

2. All standardized tests can hit the bricks as far as I'm concerned. I hated them before and now that I've been designated the testing coordinator, I really hate those exams. Going to do my job because I take my work seriously and it's a reflection of yours truly, but that don't mean that Keystone and *they whole generations can't hit the road, no bap!

There's something to be said of the times we're in when the FIRST FULL WEEK OF SCHOOL, upon returning from an educational experience NONE of us had ever undergone before, was dedicated to Keystone Testing. I mean, really! "We could have done them last spring, but chose the fall because of the pandemic." Be bold. Cancel. them. all. Forever and ever, Amen!!

3. One of the brothas with whom I've bonded since 9th grade (he's in 12th now) saw me carting crates of Keystone exams (thinking it was something else) to the IMC for make-ups. His words,

"***** he boutta teach the ***** out of this school!"

Don't ask me why that felt so good (minus the expletives) to hear.

4. Last night (Tuesday night) I thought I was sleeping into the weekend and was not going to wake up for work. What jolted me to reality was some thought I was having in my sleep about me not actually having worked a full week yet. I shared that with colleagues during Common Planning Time (CPT). That might cherry-on-top me looking everywhere for my phone (right next to me) and for a stack of papers I just had (right in front me) and me chatting with one of my APs with a pen in my regrowing curly top that I forgot about. What month is this?

5. Slap a teacher huh? Sure. You misunderstood the assignment!

6. I got excited a few times recently when a couple of the seniors stopped me to chat about what they were currently reading (Mildred Taylor's All the Days Past, All the Days to Come) or what they wanted to read (The Son of Neptune Rick Riordan, The Girl Who Could Fly Victoria Forester).

7. "Weirdo!" My new assigned name by a young lady who wanted to stay in "Corridor Class"😏as I stood there refusing to move from their huddle, listening in on their conversation, annoying the beelzebub out of that little crew. I must make one correction, however, it's *Dr. Weirdo, please and thank you. As you were...

8. I love teaching.

9. wya rn lmk hmu - bno? ard omw idc 

10. Young queen again brought up how she's had both me and another colleague 3 of her 4 years at MLK. As much as she *says she doesn't like that, don't believe a word out of her mouth. She's feeling our classes...or *puffs chest out*...both teachers.