Some call me "Flem"

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I'm an elementary school teacher turned high school English teacher, School-Based Teacher Leader (SBTL), and adjunct professor here in Philly. These posts are the views, as I see them, from room 105, my first classroom number. Enjoy, engage, and share!

Monday, September 16, 2013

Dear Kindergarteners

Dear Kindergarteners,
My name is Mr. Flemming and I am a teacher. Did you know that there are a whole lot of teachers? How high can you count? Can you count to ten? Well, there are more than ten! Can you count to twenty? Well, there are more than twenty!

Have you ever heard of the word "thousand"? WOW!!! That's a really big number!! If you hold your hands out really wide, it's bigger than that!!! Well, there are more than one thousand, more than two thousand, more than three thousand teachers, wow!!! There are a whole lot of THOUSANDS of teachers in schools everywhere!!

Today you started school. Maybe this was your first time or maybe you went to preschool or daycare!

I just want to tell you that I believe in you! That means that Mr. Flemming, and all of my THOUSANDS of teacher friends, we know that you are smart and that you are going to be good at reading and math and a whole lot of other things that boys and girls do when they are in school and at home!!

Do you like to draw or sing?  I like to draw and sing sometimes, but you probably sing and draw way better than me!! Maybe you can draw me a picture one day or sing the bigger kids a song. That's who I teach. I teach the bigger kids, they are in 5th grade this year!

Well, if you like to draw and sing and maybe play the drums, make sure you ask the principal, that's the boss, if you can sing and draw in school! There are teachers who would LOVE to help you draw or paint or sing or play the musical instruments! Does that sound like fun? It sounds fun to me!

I want you to promise Mr. Flemming one thing. Promise me that you will always work really really hard!! That means you'll do all of your school work and homework and that you will always try your best! Make sure you listen to your teachers and the other grown ups at school!! Okay?

It's probably time to go to bed. Mr. Flemming is very sleepy right now! You want to make sure you get a good night's sleep so that you can be on time for school tomorrow and so you won't be sleepy!

Good Night!
Have fun in school tomorrow!

~Mr. Flemming

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