For the past few years I've been on this kick of co-creating the course syllabus with my classes. With some general parameters, I solicit their ideas for texts, projects, relevant videos, and more.
Tuesday, 8/31 was the first day of school here in Philly. I made a general presentation* that included what they might expect based on the experience I had with my dual enrollment communications class (Comm101) last year. On Thursday, I asked the students to complete what I called a "Building Comm101" form using Google Forms. You'll read 2 of the 5 questions (in bold) I included in the survey. You will also read the responses of the students who chose to answer these two questions.
2. What ideas do you have for how this class should go?
i like how the class is now
This class is on a college program, which means that us students will be treated like college students which gives us responsibilities and it's also an opportunity to get college grades for when we apply for or start college.
not alot of work to do
Not to much work.
I don't really have any idea because it's my first time having a class like this but if I must say I'd say for this class to have a good vibe no bad vibe because that throws me off and I will most likely to drop out which I don't want cause I like this class because of technology.
none comment
After seeing your presentation on Tuesday i would like if we have debate classes
easy and smooth, not a lot of work
i don't have specific ideas
I think this class will be very interactive and we’ll be doing a lot of debating
nothing really this class chilling
I don't know
I don’t have any for right now cause this is my first time being in this class
it should be short and fun
No homework
all about jobs
5. What, if anything, do you want me to know about you as a person/student?
Not sure what to say here yet but I'll let you know when there's something.
im shy
You know me😂🙃
I'm a very chill person but when I'm upset don't bother me I'm more likely to lash
out and I don't want that because I am trying to keep myself calm these days.
im nice somewhat
i like being involved, i like to be challenged a little
you already know me.
i tend to prefer working alone and staying to myself .
I know I am very intelligent, just some things need to be broken down a little bit more
I'm a chill person
I'm quiet
i don't like to get pick on to answer a question unless i want to answer the question
I have anxiety and I prefer and work better alone
I dont like to speak.
I'm mostly quiet and i only talk to people i really know
*Vulnerability Moment: With this presentation and other activities, I thought I planned enough for the 90-minute block. I hadn't. I made up for it on Thursday. There's also the challenge of taking what was a 100% remote teaching/learning course and redesigning it for an in-person experience. All will be well.
Additionally, you should know this is the only class that I teach. I asked for it. The rest of my day and week include the responsibilities of a School-Based Teacher Leader (SBTL) for English😁and Testing Coordinator😐I need to teach a class to re-center me.