Thursday, December 10, 2015

My Convo with 2 Bartram Kids

While off of work today, I made my way to Falone's, a cheese steak spot down Southwest Philly.

While there, I saw two high school age young brothers. I asked if they went to Bartram. Yes. (It was after school)

I then asked whether they had a new principal since the one appointed was removed after pushing a girl who spat on him. No new principal yet.

Curious about their opinion regarding the situation, I inquired. They had harsh words for the girl who ASSAULTED the principal! While they noted that they do not hit females, they also admitted they would've reacted, presumably, as ANYONE would!!
I cannot repeat the colorful language they used, but you can imagine how they would have reacted.

The conversation then shifted to what grade they were in and what their plans were for after high school. Both are juniors and both want to go to trade school, one to be an auto mechanic and the other didn't exactly know what field yet. "Do it!" was my reply. Go!

During the conversation, I did inform them that I was a teacher in the district and that I had considered a move to teach English at Bartram and hadn't dismissed the thought.
I, also informed them that there were teachers who supported the principal based on the facts we were presented with.

All three of us agreed that spitting on someone took it to a whole new level and was not at all acceptable. But, according to them she was back in school the next day. If that's true, that move was a slap.....or educators' faces throughout the city!!!

Even if it isn't true, it's plausible. Based on what I observe on a daily basis, the incredulous is no longer the incredulous, but rather the unacceptable new norm!!

To know me is to know I love working with and teaching the generation that is now, our youth. I enjoyed that 5 minute convo while waiting on my chicken cheese steak, little mayo, pepper and naked fries.
Here's how I know they were listening and really engaged in conversation and that I wasn't annoying them:
1. They kept speaking with me and THEY kept the convo going and...
2. After I thought I was finished, one asked what school I taught at again

I should've gotten their beginning of the school year custom!

I wished them well and they said "ard" (the 'ard ole head' kind) as we parted ways.

Their pants saggin, thug look and language didn't intimidate me none. Take the time and chat, rap to some of these kids, it could mean the world to them!

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