Saturday, November 21, 2015

Those weeks!

Real teachers know, every now and then you have one of "those" weeks. And real teachers know what I mean by that without having to qualify what I mean by "those weeks".

This week was one of "those". You leave on Friday and are sleep by 4pm.  You may or may not get up by 9pm to eat, go out, watch TV, or get out of you work clothes.

On a good week, I attribute "those weeks" just to classroom aka relationship dynamics. Any relationship is tried by fire and if it's worth continuing, you fight for it! Excellent teachers do just that!

When edu-politics (incompetent admin, political mandates, stupid testing, fighting back against political idiocy, etc) whoop up on you in addition to what can be expected in the normal course of relationship dynamics, then "those weeks" become all the more cumbersome to bear!

This is what weekends are for! Let's recharge and do it all over again on Monday! Have a great one!!

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