Saturday, November 14, 2015

There's a 4-Letter Word...

There's a 4-letter word that can mean so much to so many at any given point in.......time!
That's it.
That's the 4-letter word.

There are adages about time. You know, like:
"There's no better time like the present."

or how about...

"Time stands still for no one."

still yet...

"Time heals all wounds." {sigh}

There are also nursery rhymes on time, or that at least allude to it. Remember this?

Vocal artists lend their voices in great harmony, singing about time.

Bible readers note that Solomon in the book of Ecclesiastes, chapter 3 writes about time:
"To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:
A time to be born, and a time to die: a time to plant..." (the theme of time continues throughout the chapter)

My profession and vocation is engrossed in "time". Planning time, prep time, minutes for literacy blocks, (don't get me started on the latest fad - this idiotic and foolish notion of the "Gradual Release Block" which in some schools is a required block of time. )

There's even a magazine with the title and twitter

The French have a phrase, "Laissez les bon temps rouler" Let the good times roll!!
(And given the unfortunate events that transpired just the other day, I pray and hope les Francais pourront laisser les bon temps rouler encore)

The sharing of memories begin sometimes with, "Yooo, remember that time..."
In the sharing of those memories, depending on what it is, we sometimes wish we could go back in time to the good old days.

Speaking of going back in time...
This past summer, the man I called my Pastor for more than 28 years, Bishop Todd, passed away. This afternoon, one of the gentlemen we've called our Assistant Pastor was officially installed as our new Pastor. It was no surprise at all and quite welcomed that no one from outside of our church would assume that roll. This man, too, has watched me grow up just as Bishop Todd had. We know each other very well and have worked together in ministry for a number of years. I don't anticipate that this will change!

His official appointment does help to move the ministry, the church, the mission forward as it must.
But for me, and for many of us, time is still needed to work out in our minds, the idea of existing in a world without a man who had a great impact on all us! Bishop Todd.

We're not sitting around depressed or hanging our heads. We just miss our loved one. And we, I, need just a little more (or a lot more) time.

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