Friday, May 22, 2015

"It's the culture you create..."

"It's the culture you (universal 'you') create..."
"It's the culture you create..."
"It's the culture you create..."
"It's the culture you create..."

A fragment frequently whispered by someone with whom I'm very close throughout any given day of the week.

"It's the culture you (universal) create..."

If you create a culture where kids feel comfortable roaming around, that's what they'll do.

If you create a culture where kids feel comfortable using profanity then storming out and making their way to once sacred areas of the building, that's what they'll do.

If you create a culture where kids trash a room, use profanity, assault other kids, then storm out and make their way to once sacred and revered parts of the building, that's what they'll do.

If you create a culture where the adults are forced to think twice before defending themselves against a violent, rage-filled kid for fear of being written up, people will end up hurt

If you create a culture where, no matter how much kids don't do during the year, they know they'll be pushed ahead? Then they won't do.

If you create a culture where adults are publicly humiliated and disrespected, then the kids will follow suit.

If you create a culture that includes a laissez-faire philosophy, more will ultimately have to be done.

If you create a culture where adults feel nauseous whenever they enter the building, they'll do exactly what's required.

If you create a culture where kids who behave badly are treated to cookies, cakes, fried chicken and all day movies, then their brain has been wired to continue in their wrong. Only when they become of age and commit a crime, they'll be confused as to why they must face a consequence and not a commendation.

"It's the culture you (universal 'you') create..."
"It's the culture you create..."
"It's the culture you create..."
"It's the culture you create..."

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