Some call me "Flem"

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I'm an elementary school teacher turned high school English teacher, School-Based Teacher Leader (SBTL), and adjunct professor here in Philly. These posts are the views, as I see them, from room 105, my first classroom number. Enjoy, engage, and share!

Monday, August 1, 2016

A $4 Classroom Rebirth!

After several years in 6th grade and a quick stint in 5th grade, this past year I taught 3rd grade for a second year. I learned a lot about this age group AND about myself as an educator.

Reflecting on the year gone by, I found myself in a labyrinth of sorts, what seemed like an endless search for effective teaching and learning experiences. It was a challenge for many reasons. It also sharpened me as a teacher as well. One evening while picking up items in Dollar Tree, I had an epiphany. Stuffed animals. Why? I don't know. I think it was that inner teacher voice that said, "Now try this." I had in my mind a particular student who I thought could use it as a reading buddy. I thought that having something to hold on and/or read to would help that particular student.

After a couple of weeks I incorporated them into the class by just putting them in a neon green basket in one of the class library areas. They were a hit!!! (FOR EVERYONE!!!)

That particular child and other kids would come in and grab a stuffed animal and just hold it while reading. They'd be more engaged in their pleasure reading. Even the boys would run and be sure they got a stuffed animal to hold on to.

Not only during times of SSR* would they go for them, but everyday after lunch they'd be a hit too. Each day after lunch, I allotted 20 minutes of "Quiet Time". Lights off. Classical music in the background. Sleep. Draw silently. Read. Think. Or just sit. The stuffed animals became silent play buddies, sleeping buddies, or just a buddy to hold on to while reading near the window.

I could've kicked myself. WHY didn't I think of this sooner?!?
The one change I would make would be to get MORE of them so that every child who wanted one, could get one.

I'm moving back up to 5th grade next year. Do you think they will like a stuffed animal to hold when they read? We'll see...

*For my SSR beliefs click here

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