Friday, March 12, 2021

Waiting for tomorrow | March 12, 2020, Our last day in school...

Thursday, March 12, 2020

We were on an "A" Day schedule, which means I had English classes all day. Lately we had been reading Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry by Mildred Taylor. I hadn't intended on teaching this novel, but when many of my students told me they hadn't read or heard of it, I didn't believe we had any other choice.

During lunch that day, a few students came to the room to just sit, chat, and chill as many of them are wont to do on occasion. One young brotha, who also was 5th grader in my class years earlier, asked if I had heard that the NBA canceled the previous night's game and subsequently the season. I had. The conversation was normal, like we'd have it again tomorrow.

During that same block of time, my prep/lunch, a colleague asked if I thought the schools would shut down in Philadelphia. I remember smirking and saying "no" because I didn't feel like they cared enough about us in the inner city. Anyway, I'd see her tomorrow and we'd chit chat again.

Then 4th period came and went. Some students worked. Others chose to engage in tasks they deemed much more important than anything I could ever assign. *cough* phones *cough*

The day ended uneventfully. I'd see them tomorrow. I left for the day. Shoot. My coffee was on my desk. I didn't feel like getting rid of it. It's cool. It ain't hurting nobody. I'd dispose of it tomorrow.

Friday, March 12, 2021


