Some call me "Flem"

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I'm an elementary school teacher turned high school English teacher, School-Based Teacher Leader (SBTL), and adjunct professor here in Philly. These posts are the views, as I see them, from room 105, my first classroom number. Enjoy, engage, and share!

Thursday, February 25, 2021


⚠️This post contains language that some may find offensive and that others just can't use at all.⚠️

The screenshot below is from an episode of Family Matters, "Fight the Good Fight" (S2, E20). I showed this episode in our communications class. The purpose was two-fold. One, we had a discussion about the word you see spay-painted on Laura's locker. The students expressed their opinions in a podcast episode we recorded on the use of that word and the variant spelling of its repurposed version, nigga. The second purpose was to stir up their emotions for elevator-pitch style speeches they will give in the weeks to come. Right now the assignment is called, Drafts of Injustice. The focus will eventually be on solutions, Ujima, if you please.

The following occurred in our chat just as Laura closed her locker. 

11:14:16 From Ja'Lae Wyatt to Everyone : *Gasp*

11:14:53 From Dr. Stephen R. Flemming to Everyone : yup

11:15:05 From Shane Carter to Everyone : been there

11:15:34 From Ja'Lae Wyatt to Everyone : Shane I gotta question for you when the show end

11:15:36 From Jazmyn Ervin to Everyone : this is the sad truth bc you can't escape racism. America is one big mixing pot of hatred for no reason.

11:16:15 From Shane Carter to Everyone : is it what I mean by “been there”? [Context: this student was called a n*gger by a white competitor]

11:17:05 From Ja'Lae Wyatt to Everyone : No but was about that wrestling match you told us about. Did you win?

11:17:13 From Jazmyn Ervin to Everyone : oh I hate hearing people voices crack when they're about to cry

11:18:27 From Kriya to Everyone : sir I have to go  now

11:18:37 From Ja'Lae Wyatt to Everyone : I remember you said that comment threw you off. But you said you kept going did win mentally. plus you showed sportsmanship

11:18:44 From Dr. Stephen R. Flemming to Everyone : sure thing @Kriya

11:18:46 From Ja'Lae Wyatt to Everyone : that was for shane

11:19:17 From Shane Carter to Everyone : Yeah, it pissed me off so bad. But I kept control and showed him who exactly he was dealing with. next time he said he was sorry for what he said.

11:20:15 From Ja'Lae Wyatt to Everyone : thats wassup..I was thinking about that story every since you said it. I even told my mom and sister they said the same thing I said

11:21:29 From Shane Carter to Everyone : well I very much honored Ja’Lae

11:21:33 From Dr. Stephen R. Flemming to Everyone : the chat box today!!

11:21:34 From Jazmyn Ervin to Everyone : They're scared bc their ancestors done things that are unbelievable

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Saturday, February 20, 2021

"Empathy is Needed in Education"

"For the first time ever, the public schools in Philadelphia began this school year 100% online, neck-deep in a global pandemic; in the midst of more publicized occurrences of racial injustice and political upheaval. We all again juxtaposed the reality of America’s dual system of justice when we witnessed the negligible presence of law enforcement..."[Link to my piece published in the Southwest Globe Times]

Saturday, February 6, 2021

5 Black English teachers walk into a Zoom

I know the title suggests the beginning of some joke. Nope. Sorry to disappoint. 😊But five Black English teachers did engage in a discussion this past week that ultimately yielded the infographic below. High noon on Wednesdays at Martin Luther King High School, the English department meets for CPT*. The CPT was scheduled for some MTSS** which does not include students who already have an IEP***. 😏

The MTSS portion was canceled just as the meeting began. The professionals we are, we decided to talk pedagogy amongst ourselves, especially given the compounded challenges of teaching 100% online, in a global pandemic, and in the midst of increased visualization of racial injustice and political upheaval. What is shown on the infographic are the quick notes and thoughts of five Black English teachers' impromptu conversation, which I should note, lasted longer than our CPT's allotted time. As we talked, we wanted to frame the solutions around being conscientious and culturally responsive. We also wanted to share some of what we discuss all the time with our other colleagues around the school.

Linked Article: Strategies for implementing online culturally responsive teaching online

Shout out to the team at King! This post may be updated with names, if my colleagues wish to be identified. Check back.

Angela Crawford
Tareen Coston

For the benefit of anyone outside of "edunyms"
*Common Planning Time
**Multi-Tiered System of Supports
***Individualized Education Program