Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Put Your Ands Up!

I have been having a particularly difficult relationship with the word and lately! Part of the difficulty deals with me being an English teacher and reading professor. The other part of the difficulty deals with me being an ardent news radio listener!

On the radio, one of the news anchors constantly uses and to begin a news story. It makes it seem like the next story is related to the previous one. I can't say that I don't get incensed like, "STOP! X has nothing to do with the Y you just read!"


Then on October 9th, Dictionary.com published this on Instagram just before my old teachers turned over in their graves.


Texting and tweeting, that’s one thing. We relax the grammatical rules a lot and it’s okay (or should it be - *And it’s okay). For now, however, and won’t be at the beginning of my students’ papers. And that’s that!