Thursday, September 8, 2016

It IS in The Cards!!

Every school year I take the time and have my students write down what it is they desire to be “when they grow up”. Noted on index cards, I’ve also asked them to autograph and date the card. “Yes, ladies and gents, I want your autographs now! You will not grow up and do great things and deny you ever knew me!” lol I also ask them address it to me, a thought that hit me a couple of years into the tradition.

This year was no different and was something I was really looking forward to doing!

Signing of the index cards is preceded by a very real talk about hard work, goals in school and life, the ways of society, others’ thoughts about them, and my speaking words of life and empowerment into their lives, letting them know they are pearls of great price or another ‘symbolistic’/metaphoric ‘thingy’ I may use at the time!! These “chats” (as one former student called them) happen all throughout the year and at random times.

Those cards have become a “Mr. Flemming staple”. When old students come to visit, when I go to their games, graduations, or other events, “the cards” undoubtedly come up! “I still got ya cards!” That, followed by, “I’m tryna be at graduation to help you celebrate!”

Sometimes going back to the cards becomes emotional. Last school year, two former students lost their lives tragically. Going back to their cards, looking at what it was they wanted to be and do was all too surreal.

Cut off.
Too soon.
I put their cards on my classroom door last year, in some small hoping to honor their memory and dreams. One would have graduated this coming June. {sigh}

On the complete opposite end of the pendulum of emotions, pure joy!

Two such emotional moments came when I attended the class of 2016’s graduation ceremony to help these young men and women celebrate!! Big ups to that great kid who was in room 103 in 6th grade for making sure I was able to come! For the first time, the cards accompanied me to the ceremony. Catching up with as many of my former students as I could, we reminisced, albeit briefly, over what they wrote six years prior. Many snapped pics of what they once wrote, some laughed at what they wanted to be, many still wanted to be it and others paused…
One graduate and former student softly said to me, “Thanks Mr. Flemming. That really means a lot.” Another started getting choked up as I showed him his card and as we hugged. His words, “I did it Mr. Flemming, I did it.” (Messed me all the way up when I got back to the car and starting to ‘allergy’ up my eyes even now)

We never know who is sitting in our classrooms. The next {insert à positive occupation/profession/position here} is that kid sitting right by your desk…or up in the front…or by the door…maybe even the window…or the one whose home life becomes dinner time banter over broccoli and meatloaf. *Hmph*

I jokingly tell each group of students that when they reach their goals and make it big and make tons and tons of money to come back and break me off some! (Sorta, kinda almost kinda not joking about that one lol).

As we are in this season of fresh starts and new beginnings, let’s recommit ourselves to the noblest profession on the face of the planet, the profession that makes all other professions possible, the journey of teaching and learning with our students!! Speak life! And more than just speaking it, act on it!!

Happy New Year!!
Let's go! Success is my only option!!