Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Only in Philly....Not Really

Only in Philly can a teacher-x, who uses a multimodal approach to teaching so that each student can be involved in the learning experience, be rated ineffective for communicating with students because objectives are not posted on a chalkboard using pedagogilese!

Oh, it's not only in Philly? Didn't think so.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Are teachers the only ones?

It's been a little while since my last post. It's been that kind of busy!!
In any event, earlier in the month, I posed a writing warm up question to the kids. "Are teachers the only ones responsible for making sure kids learn?"

I love what one girl wrote. "No, because teachers are not the only ones who teaches kids parents do to. Your parents tolt you how to talk and walk, eat, play not teachers"

(I tried to preserve some of the writing miscues intentionally)

Her argument is solid!!