Thursday, May 29, 2014

Maya Angelou

On Wednesday, May 28, 2014, we were at an assembly that encouraged recyclying and discouraged littering. I was standing along the wall, watching my class like a hawk! A colleague came up to me and whispered that Maya Angelou had passed away. My face ostensibly reflected the shock, dismay, and disbelief that overcame me!

Not only will I never forget where I was when I first found out that one of the greatest literary voices had fallen silent, but I also will never forget Dr. Angelou's spirit, nor will I forget the fact that most of my 80 5th grade students didn't know who she was!

As I explained to them, I do not blame them for not knowing (or even hearing) her name. A natural temptation  would be to use this post to go into a diatribe over this whole school reform movement, but I'm resisting!

I'm choosing to remember Maya Angelou's words that passively aggressively speak to that movement as it relates to reading. "I want to write so well, that she's 30-40 pages in before she realizes she's reading."

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Support from an Unexpected Source

I recently attended a church service where public schools in Camden received what I perceived was an unexpected statement of support. As the preacher was preaching, he bemoaned the layoffs of hundreds of Camden public school personnel including teachers. He denounced charter school infiltration into Camden and said that many people think that charters are the way to go. He also came against New Jersey's governor!


I say it was an unexpected statement of support because during the church services I attend, it's a common held belief that politics has no room in the pulpit. I grew up in church and the pulpit has never been a place for politics. It wasn't something that was said often. It didn't have to be said, it just is. The pulpit is for the preached word of God.

We often go to other churches all along the east coast and we all believe the same thing. However, I must admit, it was a bit reassuring to hear this preacher who I've known for years, just go IN on what's going on in Camden! This wasn't the meat of his message, it was a sidebar. Some heads did turn my way, since many know my stance on the issue!

When I hear people starting to speak up who don't normally speak up, something's-a-brewing!!

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Teacher Appreciation?

Rumor has it that it's teacher appreciation week. Funny thing, those rumors! The School Reform Commission and our superintendent, Dr. Hite recently released what the budget will look like for the 2014-2015 school year. I believe "empty shell" was the term used.

41, students per class (at least), layoff nearly 1,000 teachers and the teachers who remain take a pay cut of up to 13%. Let's not forget PVAAS, which now will hold us more responsible for factors beyond our control. This, amid even more draconian cuts to personnel, which translates to cuts in essential services!

Appreciation? Sure, I really do feel the love!