Some call me "Flem"

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I'm an elementary school teacher turned high school English teacher, School-Based Teacher Leader (SBTL), and adjunct professor here in Philly. These posts are the views, as I see them, from room 105, my first classroom number. Enjoy, engage, and share!

Saturday, November 11, 2017

All I gotta do is...

A catered lunch for a field trip.

Chicken salad and turkey sandwiches on kaiser along with Herr's chips, a cookie, and water.

Excellent reviews from the kids who had the same options during our last trip. They looked forward to it, again.

Kid wanted turkey, so he threw the whole chicken salad sandwich box and contents away.

We were outside having lunch in the Spring Garden section of the city. So, quasi-public trashcan.

I couldn't keep it together.

Obviously annoyed with my beffudlement and rambling, the reply to me, "All you gotta do is take it out the trashcan!"

Mr. Flemming, back away slowly. Get your lessons and videos together. You're a teacher. Keep calm and lesson plan. ALL I gotta do is...???

*feverishly plans a series of lessons that goes along with those little teaching standards*

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