Some call me "Flem"

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I'm an elementary school teacher turned high school English teacher, School-Based Teacher Leader (SBTL), and adjunct professor here in Philly. These posts are the views, as I see them, from room 105, my first classroom number. Enjoy, engage, and share!

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Inappropriate People

That fact that I have to read tweets, books, blogs, articles, editorials; attending rallies, marches, and protests for a few years now in opposition to education reform and school closings and in support of school funding in a nutshell, really grinds my gears!! I shouldn't *have* to do this!

As a teacher, I live it! Oops, I meant to say I LOVE it, but the "i" is next to the "o" and I'm getting used to a new Samsung Galaxy with no key pad. But "live" is just as appropriate.

I digress.

As a teacher I LOVE what I do! This was what I always wanted to do. It's what I started doing well before my adolescent years as a kid with my younger siblings. Even as a child in a crib, my parents tell the story of a little boy teaching his younger brother the ABCs.

So when I read and listen to the ludicrous arguments of individuals like Michelle Rhee,  Bill Gates, Governors Christie and Corbett, Dr. Steve Perry, and too many others, I become incensed! Locally, we have our fair share of debaters!

These are inappropriate people with money, political influence, and the love of national media! Except Corbett, but I digress again.

Flem, 'whatchu mean' by inappropriate people? I mean those who may on the surface have the best of intentions, but go about it all wrong. I say on the surface because, deep down they very well may not have well meaning intentions. I'm tending to believe the latter, but my mom is a huge proponent of giving people the benTifit of da doubt {in my Madea voice}.

I mean the organizations and political agendas they founded or represent.
They're inappropriate because their actions screw up children's lives and the communities from which they come. They shutter schools and refuse to appropriate the necessary funds for quality educational experiences, especially in highly impoverished areas.

They're inappropriate because their actions result in relegation real teaching to test prepping.

They're inappropriate because they set their mouths against the very people for whom anyone who can read, write, calculate, and even come up with the worst of educational policies, should be thankful.

We are teachers. We are countless other education and social service professionals. We are skilled professionals in the art and science of teaching and learning and all the myriad other tentacles that are natural extensions.

Back off!!!!

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